
Maureen Modestine

Tricky Food Labels

Shop Smart with These Label Tips It seems like every time you turn around, companies are adding a new claim to their product packaging. So how can you decipher all these crazy assertions, much less separate the useful ones from the misdirection? Why, with this handy-dandy guide, of course! All-Natural This means that everything in […]

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Healthy Vegetarian

Tips for building a healthful eating pattern Building a balanced vegetarian diet is about so much more than making sure that meat isn’t on the plate. When you are planning vegetarian meals, be sure to skip saturated fat. Saturated fat is mostly found in animal products, but that doesn’t just mean meat. Full-fat milk, yogurt, […]

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Time-Saving Cooking Tips

Time-Saving Cooking Tips It just takes a little planning to be able to turn out delicious, nutritious meals in very little time. Check out the following strategies to see which ones work for you. You’ll be able to save time and energy! Cook when you can • When are you the busiest? Plan ahead so […]

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Minimum Safe Cooking Temps

Safe Minimum Cooking Temperatures Chart Follow these guidelines for Safe Minimum Cooking Temperatures for meat, poultry, seafood, and other cooked foods. Be sure to use a food thermometer to check whether meat has reached a safe internal temperature that is hot enough to kill harmful germs that cause food poisoning.

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Safe Food Storage

Are You Storing Food Safely? Whether putting food in the refrigerator, the freezer, or the cupboard, you have plenty of opportunities to prevent foodborne illnesses. The goal is to keep yourself and others from being sickened by microorganisms such as Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, and C. botulinum, which causes botulism. Keeping foods chilled at proper temperatures is one […]

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Thanksgiving Food Safety

Stuffing/Dressing Safety Dressing or stuffing? No matter what you call it, people are passionate about it. Stuffing can be very personal, and everyone seems to have a favorite way to make it. The options are many. Chestnuts or oysters? Cornbread or white bread? We’re not going to debate the ingredients. Those are personal decisions and […]

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Summer Food Safety

Don’t Make Summer a Bummer! Summer picnics are lots of fun; don’t ruin the memory by coming down with food poisoning. Seventy-five to 80 million Americans will experience a few days of misery from foodborne illnesses this year, but for some, the consequences will be far worse. About 5,000 people die yearly from food poisoning, […]

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Slow Cooker Safety Tips

Never Jeopardize Safety for Convenience Slow cookers, also known as crockpots, offer convenience, time savings, lower electricity use, and great flavor. But there are some tips everyone should follow to make sure their food stays safe: • Make sure you start with clean equipment. • Thaw and cut all ingredients. Avoid frozen items and large-shaped […]

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Sponge and Dishcloth Safety

Yeast, Mold, and Staph Bacteria — Oh My! According to the NSF International survey of U.S. homes, 77% of sponges and dishcloths contained coliform bacteria, 86% had yeast and mold, and 18% were contaminated with Staph bacteria. These organisms can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, headaches, and general fatigue. Nearly one in four of […]

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Produce Safety

Everything You Need to Know You can take adequate steps to select, store, and prepare your produce to lower the chance you will suffer a foodborne illness. Here are tips from  Purchase safely Purchase produce that is not bruised or damaged. When selecting fresh-cut produce – choose only those items that are refrigerated or […]

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Safe Food Handling

Prevent Foodborne Illness Safe steps in food handling, cooking, and storage are essential to prevent food-borne illness. You can’t see, smell, or taste harmful bacteria that may cause illness. Follow these 4 steps to keep food safe: • Clean — Wash hands and surfaces often • Separate — Don’t cross-contaminate • Cook — Cook to […]

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Proper Glove Use

Key Training Tips to Keep Your Food Safe According to the CDC, “Hand washing is the single most important means of preventing the spread of infection.” However, handwashing alone is not enough. Handwashing in combination with proper glove use is required for maximum safety. Protect Yourself and the Consumer • Washing hands thoroughly before and […]

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